Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A rough recount, due to lack of time (10 minutes given)

A lot has happened since my last post - i am currently in hong kong as my 93 year old grandmother is in hospital due to (all sorts of) complications. It's been 5 days, I think. I haven't had the time to write about anything much, but the first 3 days have been emotionally exhausting.

I'll write about those when time permits.

There's so much I want to do in hong kong, like exploring less 'touristy' areas, people watching, find a cosy little cafe and read (a perfect getaway - I rarely feel at peace in singapore).

There's so much alone time I need and am not granted. Felt so much frustration from not being able to plan my own schedule, for meet-up sessions get randomly slotted in all the time. Frustration from not being able to have control over my time.

Anyhow, my parents and I visited a 3-storey book store at Hysan Place, Causeway bay. The three books I really wanted were either out of stock or printed in chinese, but they had pretty okay sections for philo and novels nonetheless (for a bookstore in hk).

Backdrop: Cousin's room

bought: "On solitude" at the bookstore, plus Sarah Kane's complete plays at 2am on book depository last night. Completed A very easy death, continuing nausea. Trying to decide which translation for the stranger is the best.


I miss the old home we still had last year, being able to scuttle around the 4 other blocks my relatives reside in. We have to inconvenience them now..

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